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Empower Yourself by Learning to Say No

Saying no in a sea of yes

When I say that I can assist you in becoming the best version of you this essentially involves viewing yourself from a new perspective. This includes understanding your emotional state, your self-perception (and your perception of others), and your identity both at home and in the workplace.

Detachment is the most significant change you can make. Once you adopt this mindset, many aspects of your life will be transformed. Often, we tend to internalise everything or form emotional connections to various things, including ideas or thoughts. Consequently, when someone challenges or questions these concepts, it may feel like a profound personal injury, as if it were a direct assault on oneself, when in fact, it is simply a matter of differing perspectives.

While I specialise in Magick, I cannot simply wave a magick wand and magically make changes in your life happen. Just like in life, you must first desire the change and then take action to make it happen yourself. It is ultimately your responsibility, not anyone else's.

However I can support you as you work on improving your mindset by asking you questions that challenge the dogma and beliefs you have been conditioned to accept. To empower yourself to say no.

But what is dogma? Isn’t this to do with religion? Well yes it is, but there is also social dogma, and family dogma. Things that society feels is wrong and that you shouldn’t do, and also things that your family feel you shouldn’t do or think.

Now let’s get one thing straight right now: some things are just inherently wrong, you can’t steal from a shop or commit murder and then claim that society is trying to stop you, or can't incarcerate you because of dogma. This would be happening to you because you have done things that are inherently wrong; it doesn’t take super intelligence to figure this out.

The biggest issue that I come across with people I help time and time again is the incapability to say no! People are programmed to please, to be “good”, to work for a perceived greater good.

In terms of your family or schooling it was most likely hammered into you that you should “be a good girl or boy”.

But this is not true, this is dogma, this is not good for you; service to others should not be to the detriment of yourself.

Now we all know when we should say no, for example you are at work and you are looking forward to home time and then your boss asks if you can work an extra two hours, which you know will actually be more like four hours. Every inch of your brain is shouting to you that you don’t want to do it, but you say yes!

Why do you say yes when in fact you are well within your rights to say no? Think about the last time you said yes when you really meant know; why did you say yes? Guilt maybe, or perhaps you felt that you owed your boss something?

I’ve got news for you: if you turn up to work and put in your best efforts and in return for this effort you are paid then you owe your boss precisely nothing, overtime is up to you, if you want a bit more money at the end of the month then go for it - but what’s the point of extra money if you are working all the hours you can and can't enjoy the fruits of the labour?

The first change to need to make is to know that you are the person in control your life, who is god? You are! You have worth, what you do makes a difference. Now the biggest step you need to make is to overcome the hurdle of saying yes when what you actually mean is no.

If you need more help with the art of saying no I can coach you through this sometimes difficult journey, but it is a journey that will see you as a much happier, freer, and fulfilled you....the best version of you.

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